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Courtney Zaryski Headshot

Meet Courtney Zaryski

Syracuse, New York

My financial goal is to become debt-free. Over the years, I’ve made very little progress on paying down debt, but seem to be very good at moving debt around! I’m so tired of running on this hamster wheel of debt and making the same mistakes over and over. Recently, I have paid off some small debts and closed those accounts and now I am faced with larger accounts that need to be paid off. The only way I see to accomplish this is to truly make some behavior changes in my budgeting and spending. I have the income to do this, I just need the discipline and someone guiding me. I want to use my income for living life, not just paying bills every month!
– June 7th, 2021

During Financial Wellness Bootcamp, Courtney Reduced her debt by $8,000!

Financial Milestones

Meeting with Branch Champion

“Courtney has such a desire to do better for her family and herself. It is so much fun to see her work towards it”

Check-In Meeting – September 23rd , 2021
Zogo Financial Literacy App Total Points: 391,955 Pineapples: 14,541
Financial Wellness Modules – Guide To Financial Wellness
Financial Wellness Modules – Budgeting
Financial Wellness Modules – Dealing with Financial Stress
Additional Financial Wellness Modules!
Meeting with Visions CEO Ty Muse – November 23rd, 2021
$7,500 Check Presentation! - March 30, 2022